We just recently completed a complete rebuild of our own website. Yes this website that you are looking at was launched in September, 2022. It really had been overdue for a refresh but because we build websites for other people their projects always took priority over our projects and it felt like there was never time. I think all business owners find themselves in that quandary. How do you carve out time, invest in, ramp-up or develop your own products and services when you are constantly giving your best to your clients?
That cycle continued long enough until we decided that if we didn’t make it happen, it never would happen. After what felt like an eternity ( but was only several years) this site was born. Check out how our own website has morphed over the last three versions and eight years from these homepage snapshots.
The obvious answer is because other people get bored of your website too. New things are refreshing to look at and hold new elements that attract or enchant other. So whether it is your website, your car, your home, your furniture or what’s hanging in your closet – newness brings that fresh breath of life that attracts new interest, increases their curiosity and often gets them talking. Those are all good things when we are talking about online marketing of your business. But wait, that’s just the beginning. There is so much more!
Another solid reason to refresh your website is to make adjustments to services or products you offer. Rebuilding your website gives you a chance to re-order, re-examine and purge what is no longer relevant or working and highlight what is. It’a great time to introduce new offerings, highlight new team members or even just adjust the emphasis on what you provide to your customers.
When dealing with a technology-based tool like a website, new software options, industry standards and tech offerings also mean that your processes can change drastically. What used to take you much longer to do can now be done quicker, better and more efficiently. A great example of that in our website is the process of creating portfolio pieces. It use to involve numerous steps, editing photoshops files and tediously measuring out exact dimensions in order to create what we wanted to show you as portfolio images for each project. Now that process is mostly automated, takes minutes and is easy. Not to mention its features new technology in those images we create ( No more 2018 iMacs). So there are real gains to be had from taking advantage of new technology and if that means your website looks better and saves you time and money – well that’s a pretty big motivator.
Inevitably, there will be processes or even functionality on your website that either stops working altogether or stops working at an acceptable level. This can include browsers that are no longer supported, plugin software that becomes unsupported or even software that can become a security threat because of not being continuously upgraded and updated. Refreshing your website allows you to modernize the tools and software librairies at your disposal making your website safer, faster and more efficient.
So if you are finding yourself without time or motivation to tackle a website refresh but you know your business would benefit from one, get in touch. Let’s talk about timelines, costs and your options. We’d love to come alongside your business as your “online” partner and see how we can help!