You’ve probably heard the phrase “build back better” on the news or coming out of the mouths of politicians lately. I know I have. Each time I hear it from a politician, I wince a bit and critically wonder just what they’re actually gonna do about it.
In this article we want to focus on how you, a small business owner or someone thinking of starting a small business, in this post-covid economy, can build something better than what you had or better than your competition.
To start with I want to focus on building back better, because it’s online.
This year has been an incredible opportunity for everyone to realize the value of getting at least some aspect of your business online. Perhaps you’ve read headlines or heard stories about Shopify’s amazing success these past few years. While many businesses have floundered the business of ecommerce has exploded. But Shopify is just one of many many fish in the pond and while they might be the right fit for you, I would argue that there are better options out there that allow you to keep more of your profit in your pockets.
If you are willing to partner with a local web design shop or an online partner (like OmniOnline), who can help you wade through the pros and cons and many options of ecommerce, you have tons to gain and very little to lose.
We recognize that not every business lends itself to ecommerce. That’s true. But many businesses do, and many more can gain a lot from moving some part of their business online. Simple things like ordering products, services or refills, starting subscription services or even just paying bills online. These can all be shifted online requiring less people, less in-person processes, less cost and more reliable, always available options for your business.
Here are a couple examples.
These are just a few examples of building your business better. In this post-covid world, why not invest in your business in a way that shifts it to be able to operate online like never before. We can help you with your strategy, your website, your digital advertising and everything in between.
Call us to chat more about how we can partner with you. 306-586-6118